Sat.Jun 11, 2016 - Fri.Jun 17, 2016

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Consumers Driving Technological Change in the Financial Industry

Daniel Burrus

The financial services industry has been notoriously slow to adapt to the evolving technology landscape and its customers’ digital demands. In yet another twist to a modern tale, it was recently revealed that it was consumers who were leading yet another round of disruption in the banking and insurance sectors. A report by Fujitsu financial services showed that 39% of the UK residents it surveyed would consider leaving their providers if they do not offer up-to-date technology.

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The Social Determinants of Health: How Racism and Domestic Violence are Literally Making Us Sick

Sustainable Development Network

What is the relevance of SDG 3 to a high-income country like Canada? And how do we truly implement a universal development agenda? These were just some of the themes discussed at the Canadian Public Health Association’s annual conference in Toronto from June 13th to 16th. SDSN Manager Lauren Barredo participated, describing the UN processed to set the goals, targets, and indicators, and sharing opportunities for Canada to lead on implementing SDG 3.