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Failure is an option: We already know the outcome of global plastic waste negotiations


Delegates at the final U.N. meeting in November will likely fail to produce a binding international treaty that will reverse the growing trend of plastic pollution.

Waste 389
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Eraring deal signals death of baseload power in Australia, and Dutton’s nuclear fantasy

Renew Economy

The Eraring deal means that Australia's biggest coal generator will operate with the same capacity factor as the average solar farm. Baseload is dead, so what does Peter Dutton think he is going to do with a big nuclear plant? The post Eraring deal signals death of baseload power in Australia, and Dutton’s nuclear fantasy appeared first on RenewEconomy.


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How this Danish industrial city attracted startups with two wheels

Corporate Knights

Just 20 years ago, the Danish city of Odense was an industrial hub. Back then, Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, operated a shipyard on the city’s harbour front that manufactured some of the largest container ships in the world and employed almost 3,000 workers. The presence of heavy industry was felt throughout Odense for decades.

Shipping 235
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Qualcomm’s 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report: Environmental Management in the Supply Chain

3BL Media

Originally published in Qualcomm's 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report Each of our primary semiconductor manufacturing suppliers is required to have an ISO 14001-certified environmental management system, and in 2023, all such suppliers reported meeting this requirement. We work with these suppliers at multiple stages of design and manufacturing to monitor their conformance to applicable environmental laws and help adherence to various environmental initiatives.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value

McKinsey Sustainabilty

As generative AI adoption accelerates, survey respondents report measurable benefits and increased mitigation of the risk of inaccuracy. A small group of high performers lead the way.

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Health and climate top consumers’ concerns about the food system, report finds


Consumers rank malnutrition, pesticides, obesity and diet-related health issues, and plastic waste from packaging as the most concerning aspects of the food system, according to an EAT-GlobeScan survey.

Waste 389

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Over 70% of Companies Have Abandoned Acquisitions Over ESG Concerns: Deloitte Survey

ESG Today

Sustainability considerations are becoming increasingly central in the mergers and acquisitions dealmaking process, with more than 70% of M&A leaders reporting abandoning potential acquisitions over ESG concerns, and a vast majority saying they would be willing to pay more for targets with strong ESG attributes, according to a new survey released by global professional services firm Deloitte.

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Fungus breaks down ocean plastic

Science Daily / Earth & Environment

A fungus living in the sea can break down the plastic polyethylene, provided it has first been exposed to UV radiation from sunlight. Researchers expect that many more plastic degrading fungi are living in deeper parts of the ocean.

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Harnessing analytics and AI to shape the future of mobility retail

McKinsey Sustainabilty

To prepare for a world of lower fuel sales, forecourt retailers can harness advanced analytics and AI to increase revenues from electric vehicle charging and convenience.

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How construction products giant CRH plans to cut emissions 30% by 2030


Last year, the company recycled 43.9 million metric tons of byproducts and waste from other industries into raw materials and fuels for its own products.

Waste 368
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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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“We haven’t been consulted:” Coal town on transition to renewables is not interested in nuclear

Renew Economy

One coal town transitioning to renewables says it has not been consulted about Coalition's nuclear plans, and is not interested. The post “We haven’t been consulted:” Coal town on transition to renewables is not interested in nuclear appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Nearly Half of Sustainability-Labelled Funds May Have to Change Names to Meet New EU Anti-Greenwashing Rules: Clarity AI

ESG Today

More than 40% of investment funds in the EU using ESG or sustainability-related labels may be required to change names or sell assets in order to meet new anti-greenwashing rules, according to a new analysis released by sustainability technology platform Clarity AI. The new report follows the release earlier this month by EU markets regulator the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) of its finalized guidelines for the use of ESG and sustainability-related terms in investment fund nam

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Some countries could meet their total electricity needs from floating solar panels

Science Daily / Earth & Environment

Floating solar photovoltaic panels could supply all the electricity needs of some countries, new research has shown. The researchers calculated the daily electrical output for floating photovoltaics (FPV) on nearly 68,000 lakes and reservoirs around the world, using available climate data for each location.

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Workers wanted: How to fill the skilled-trade shortage

McKinsey Sustainabilty

In the United States, demand for skilled workers has skyrocketed—and the unmet need for tradespeople risks putting prosperity and even national security at stake. What’s next?

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Mastering Supply Chain Sustainability: Where Does ESG Fit In?

Speaker: Hortense Grouvel

In this new webinar, you will learn firsthand how to set up a sustainable supply chain program that will help meet increasing ESG requirements stemming from regulators, customers, consumers, and investors alike. Hortense Grouvel, ESG expert at IntegrityNext, and Sean Whelan, Global Senior Manager at Halliburton, will look at how ensuring compliance will also help you increase sustainability performance, resilience, and innovation, allowing you to unlock the full potential of your supply chain op

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How rethinking carbon markets can forge a path to the green transition


Carbon markets, already a crucial tool in our climate toolbox, can catalyze the global shift to a green economy.

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New wind output record breaks drought that posed most challenging week for renewable model

Renew Economy

Australia's wind "drought" broken in spectacular style by a new record output. But modelling shows scaled up renewables would still have met most demand. The post New wind output record breaks drought that posed most challenging week for renewable model appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Best of the Best: Cisco Customer Advocate Awards: Americas 2024 Winners

Cisco CSR

Cisco's Customer Advocate Awards are back! Cisco Advocates are change makers and innovators, and we recognized the finalists at Cisco Live in Las Vegas. To wrap-up, we're celebrating our winners.

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Summer droughts in Northern hemisphere increasingly likely as seasonal streamflows change

Science Daily / Earth & Environment

Declining snowfall is changing the seasonal patterns of streamflow throughout the Northern hemisphere boosting chances of water shortages in the summer, scientists have found.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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The case for space

McKinsey Sustainabilty

The space economy is at an inflection point. Here’s how space is reshaping our day-to-day lives in surprising ways—and how it could help leaders address some of our most pressing business and societal challenges in the future.

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Science Based Targets Network taps independent reviewer for nature-related goals


Companies can submit strategies for addressing biodiversity loss in the second half of 2024.

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NSW rethinks storage needs to replace coal: More short duration batteries might do the trick

Renew Economy

NSW is rethinking its storage needs to replace its ageing coal generators. Turns out more 4-hour batteries might be cheaper and more effective than eight hour storage. The post NSW rethinks storage needs to replace coal: More short duration batteries might do the trick appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Cisco Live 2024: Ensure Digital Resilience, Pervasive Security, and Simpler Operations

Cisco CSR

How do you effectively manage experiences if you no longer own all the infrastructure? The answer is at the heart of new operational innovations and infrastructure announced at Cisco Live 2024. They’re all part of the Cisco Networking Cloud platform.

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What Questions Are Brands Asking About Their ESG Initiatives Ahead of 2024?

Temperatures are rising (and not just metaphorically) as key stakeholders anxiously anticipate the outcomes of COP28. While companies reconsider their 2024 environmental sustainability strategies, there is another aspect of ESG that deserves exploring, the social sector. In the latest edition of "Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Sagittarius Edition", 3BL hones in on this sign’s bold quality of asking questions others are burning to know the answers to.

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Frequent mowing puts poisonous weed into survival mode

Science Daily / Earth & Environment

A study has found that frequent mowing of Solanum elaeagnifolium, also known as silverleaf nightshade, may help create a 'superweed.' A professor of entomology and plant pathology has been studying silverleaf nightshade for more than a decade. New findings have shown that the more silverleaf nightshade was mowed, the more it developed ways to avoid destruction.

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Positioning for success in the chemical markets of the future

McKinsey Sustainabilty

European chemical manufacturers are in a difficult position, with overcapacities projected in several key value chains until 2030. Emerging sustainable product markets present a promising solution.

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$160 million in circular manufacturing funds up for grabs


44 projects are hoping to get investment from the National Science Foundation in 2025.

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Large scale solar PV projects at lowest level for seven years. Will contractors stay the course?

Renew Economy

The number of large scale solar PV projects under construction in Australia is lowest since 2017, raising fears some contractors will move on. The post Large scale solar PV projects at lowest level for seven years. Will contractors stay the course? appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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The Silver Lining to Corporate DEI Challenges

In our latest edition of Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Scorpio Edition, 3BL embraces the perspective of one of the zodiac's most misunderstood signs: Scorpio. While this sign often has a darker view of the world, they do not shy away from shining a light on controversial topics. This month we take a deep dive into corporate pullback of DEI and how companies can utilize astrological advice to reinvent its social impact communication.

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H&M Warns Against Use of Carbon Offsets in SBTi’s Climate Target Standard

ESG Today

Fashion and design brands company H&M Group has expressed concerns over plans by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to allow the use of environmental attribute certificates (EACs) – and specifically offsetting through voluntary carbon markets (VCM) – to help companies address Scope 3 value chain emissions, in its standard for corporate net zero target setting.

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Mapping the seafloor sediment superhighway

Science Daily / Earth & Environment

A new scientific model is giving researchers an unprecedented, global look at the activities of clams, worms, and other invertebrate animals that burrow at the bottom of the ocean.

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The Brief: Impact accounting standards drive toward interoperability

Impact Alpha

Greetings Agents of Impact! In today’s Brief: Featured: Impact Management Impact accounting standards advance as investors demand interoperability. Accounting for social and environmental. The post The Brief: Impact accounting standards drive toward interoperability appeared first on ImpactAlpha.

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5 ways big companies can get more out of climate tech startups


Large companies are collaborating with green startups to advance their sustainability goals; these 5 tips can forge fruitful partnerships.

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Supercharge Your ESG Content This Libra Season

Throughout Climate Week, a feeling of urgency on tackling the climate crisis was palpable. Yet, questions continue to linger about corporate progress. Are we truly moving the needle or are we stuck in a cycle of empty statements and a flood of reports and guidelines? In the latest edition of Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Libra Edition , we use Climate Week outcomes to explore how brands can communicate progress credibly.