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How to reduce carbon emissions from trucking and logistics ?

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Aniket Kumar's picture
Product Manager, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Aniket is currently leading product management role and developing the next version of disruptive products for sustainability of multiple sectors and building success stories & new business...

  • Member since 2023
  • 56 items added with 22,526 views
  • Feb 6, 2023

Trucking and logistics play a critical role in the global economy, but they also contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. In an effort to combat climate change, it is imperative to reduce the carbon footprint of the transportation industry. 

Reducing carbon emissions from trucking and logistics can be achieved through a combination of several methods:

  1. Adoption of electric or hybrid vehicles: Substituting diesel-powered trucks with electric or hybrid vehicles that emit lower levels of greenhouse gases.

  2. Improving vehicle efficiency: Adopting fuel-efficient driving practices and optimizing routes to reduce fuel consumption.

  3. Switching to alternative fuels: Using alternative fuels such as biofuels, natural gas, or hydrogen to power vehicles can significantly reduce emissions.

  4. Implementing telematics: Using GPS tracking and telematics systems to optimize routing and reduce empty miles driven.

  5. Investing in intermodal transportation: Incorporating alternative modes of transportation such as trains, ships, or barges to transport goods over longer distances can reduce the number of trucks on the road and lower emissions.

  6. Encouraging carpooling and consolidation of shipments: Grouping deliveries together and encouraging carpooling among drivers can reduce the number of vehicles on the road and lower emissions.

In conclusion, reducing carbon emissions from trucking and logistics is essential for combating climate change. By adopting electric or hybrid vehicles, improving vehicle efficiency, switching to alternative fuels, implementing intermodal transportation, and encouraging carpooling and consolidation of shipments, companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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