Africa | June 2, 2021

ADAP Capital backs FarmMoja to train Kenyan farmers

Jessica Pothering
ImpactAlpha Editor

Jessica Pothering

ImpactAlpha, June 2 – Kericho-based FarmMoja operates in Kenya’s tea region, offering hundreds of smallholder farmers access to farming inputs and technical training, particularly around crop diversification. Early-stage impact investor ADAP Capital backed the company with capital from its second fund.

ADAP’s second fund has made 12 investments, including Nairobi-based The Pathology Network – Africa, which is expanding access to specialized diagnostics like cancer screenings, and Addis Ababa-based Zafree Papers, which makes paper out of recycled agricultural waste.

The firm, which cuts checks of less than $100,000 expects to make another five to 10 investments additional investments with capital raised.