June 4, 2024
Global Renewable News

R&D 100 Awards Honor NREL Innovations

August 23, 2023

R&D World magazine today (Aug 22) presented the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) with two of its annual R&D 100 Awards for research innovations.


Including this year's winners, NREL has received 74 R&D 100 awards since 1982.

Given annually, the R&D 100 Awards honor the 100 most innovative technologies of the past year and are chosen by an independent panel of judges. WTWH Media LLC, the Cincinnati-based publisher that oversees the awards, announced the winning NREL technologies:

  • The reV Model: Unmatched Wind and Solar Generation Detail at Scale
    NREL's open-source Renewable Energy Potential (reV) model provides unprecedented wind and solar generation detail at scale to inform future clean energy systems. Leveraging geospatial modeling and high-resolution data sets, reV produces best-in-class renewable generation estimates based on a location's intersection with atmospheric conditions, economics, local regulatory environment, and technological limitations.
  • Simulation and Emulation for Advanced Systems (SEAS): Bridging the Gap Between Energy Transition Planning and Implementation
    NREL's Simulation and Emulation for Advanced Systems (SEAS) is the only software that simulates and validates energy transmission and distribution solutions across the buildings, transportation, and renewables sectors and the grid. SEAS lets you test "what if" scenarios to de-risk your options, helping you confidently move from planning to implementation.

Learn more about all of NREL's R&D 100 Award winning research.

NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for the Energy Department by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC.

Media may contact:
David Glickson


Learn more about NREL's security and privacy policies.

NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.

For more information

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd
Golden Colorado
United States 80401-3305

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