“No Twiggy Turbines:” Locals celebrate after Windlab dumps NSW wind project

luca bravo wind farm windlab - optimised
Photo Credit: Windlab

Early stage plans to develop a 26 turbine wind farm between Berrigan and Barooga in the New South Wales Riverina region have been dumped by developer Windlab, following a short but colourful campaign against the project from a section of the local community.

Windlab, an Australian renewables developer now 75% owned by iron ore billionaire Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest’s private family investment vehicle Tattarang, this week confirmed to RenewEconomy that it has decided not proceed with the project, due to unfavourable economics.

“Due to a range of economic factors, the proposal for Berrigan Wind Farm does not offer the value return required to justify further investment in its development,” a statement on the project page says.

“We understand and respect the diversity of views of the community. We appreciate the time locals have taken to provide their feedback on the project proposal, which has been both positive and constructive.”

The abandoned project, which Windlab says was only in its very early stages, was revealed to the local community in February, sparking a local protest and the establishment of a community group opposed to its development.

The group’s Facebook page, No Twiggy Turbines, has a notably Forrest-focused theme, although neither the billionaire himself nor Squadron Energy have had anything to do with the Berrigan project, according to Windlab.

On March 2, one day after a protest reportedly attended by 300 at Lalalty Hall, the group posted an update saying: “Happy to report that we had a productive meeting with Windlab this morning and we feel they understand our concerns. We’re going to meet again in a fortnight … and we’re hoping for an outcome that suits the broader community.”

Windlab then reportedly informed the community it would not be proceeding with the project on April 20.

In a report in the Shepparton News earlier this week, a Berrigan resident said to have helped lead community opposition to the wind farm was quoted as saying there was a great deal of community concern around the project.

“It (the wind turbines) will also pose physical and mental health threats to our children,” she told the paper.

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