June 4, 2024
Global Renewable News

Novus Earth Energy Announces Engagement of Alberta-based Intricate Group Inc. for the Provision of Professional Services in Support of the Latitude 53 Project in the Hinton, Alberta

August 18, 2023

Novus Earth Energy is pleased to announce engagement of Alberta-based Intricate Group Inc. for the provision of professional services in support of the Latitude 53 Project in the Hinton, AB region.

Included in the LOI is a focus on Carbon Credit Offset Project Development, Management, and Execution, all of which are integral to navigating financial impacts and opportunities through the Latitude 53 Project. Intricate Group is a diverse company with a flourishing portfolio of service offerings and a growing reputation for effective solutions and exceptional results. 

"We are pleased to develop professional relationships such as the one with the team at Intricate Group that will set our projects and initiatives up for continued success," stated Novus Earth President and Cofounder, Jeff Messner. "Intricate Group provides innovative services to their clients and have demonstrated their value on high-impact projects."

"Novus Earth is demonstrating how to grow energy utilizing numerous tools. Geothermal, Carbon Credits, Localized Fruit Farming, and contributing energy back to the grid are strategies that Novus Earth plans on rinse and repeating for many years to come; it's exciting to be a part of it in Central Alberta", expressed Blair Hamer, Intricate's Sr. Business Development Advisor. "Intricate's team of Carbon Credit Project Developers, Software Architects, and Field Technicians are ready to nourish all the projects Novus Earth has in front of them." 

Novus Earth, through the Latitude 53 Project, is on track to begin drilling of an exploration well in the Obed area of Yellowhead County, near Hinton, AB.

Once data collection is complete, a commercial closed-loop geothermal well will be drilled to provide direct-use thermal energy in Q4 2023. For more information on Novus Earth, please visit novusearth.ca or contact Emily Olsen, CAO at emily.olsen@novusearth.ca.

For more information

Novus Earth Energy


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