eWater Systems sustainable cleaning and sanitising system

Monday, 28 August, 2023 | Supplied by: eWater Systems Pty Ltd

eWater Systems are designed to replace harsh chemicals with a sustainable on-site system that provides an unlimited supply of Australian Certified Organic disinfectant, sanitiser and cleaner using electrolysis technology.

There are two central products in the range that both directly and indirectly adhere to all major green building programs.

The eWater Standalone System is a wall-mounted, single outlet device that is compact and suitable for commercial kitchens and cleaning closets. The system is easy to install and can be set up within new sites or adapted to fit existing locations.

The Reticulated System operates through central tanks that are designed to support full building installations, large-scale food preparation establishments and medical facilities. This system provides multiple Oversink Flexi Faucets and Auto Dispensing Handwash Stations, which can be tailored to meet the needs of a busy kitchen, food preparation and facilities, as well as cleaning and sanitising operations.

eWater Systems are designed to be effective against a wide range of pathogens including coronaviruses (COVID-19) and are supported by HACCP food safety certification.

Online: www.ewatersystems.com
Phone: 1300 392 837
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