June 5, 2024
Global Renewable News

EGLE announces grant funding available for small manufacturers to accelerate the implementation of energy efficiency upgrades

October 23, 2023

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) announces the availability of $250,000 in grant funding for projects that accelerate the implementation of energy efficiency upgrades at small manufacturers. 

Awards will be granted to projects that achieve meaningful energy and cost savings, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This grant opportunity will support manufacturing process improvements that reduce energy use per unit produced and cost per unit produced. 

Improvements to manufacturing processes through Retooling Program grants will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and further Michigan on its path to carbon neutrality by 2050, as stated in the MI Healthy Climate Plan.   

Who is eligible? 

  • Any small manufacturing business (<500 employees worldwide) physically located in Michigan is eligible to apply. 
  • Projects must address one or more program objectives and one or more program priorities listed under Section I-B of the Request for Proposals. 

The maximum individual grant award amount is $50,000. Applicants must provide a minimum 100 percent (1:1) match of the total requested grant funds. The program will accept applications until all funds are committed, or March 3, 2024, whichever comes first. 

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposal and any questions about the program with staff in EGLE's Energy Unit prior to submittal. Technical assistance is also available through the Retired Engineers, Scientists, Technicians, Administrators, Researchers, and Teachers (RESTART) program. RESTART offers free onsite energy efficiency and sustainability technical assistance and assessments to small and medium-sized commercial businesses throughout Michigan. 

The Request for Proposals and other information about this funding opportunity are available on the Retooling Program Web page. Subscribe to hear more about new energy funding opportunities from EGLE.    

For more information

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy


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