June 3, 2024
Global Renewable News

Holcim US Expands Renewable Energy Efforts in New York

June 9, 2023



  • More than 80 GWh of green energy to be produced annually on Holcim sites
  • Progress made toward the company's goal to power US operations with 100% renewable energy by 2030

Renewable energy plays a key role in industrial sectors' efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Holcim US, the nation's leading sustainable building solutions company, is on a quest to enter Purchase Power Agreements (PPAs) to introduce renewable energy solutions.

Holcim US announced today (June 8) its foray into renewable energy generation in New York. Participating in the New York Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER) program helps the industry leader advance its ongoing investment in on-site renewable energy generation, supports contributions to a circular economy by repurposing land and upholds its commitment to sustainability.

"Holcim US is focused on driving significant progress to meet our Green Growth Strategy goals, so we consistently evaluate our environmental impact and opportunities to incorporate more sustainable solutions into our operations," said Atl Martinez, Vice President of Procurement, Holcim North America. "Through the New York VDER program, we support not only our ongoing investment in on-site generation but also community solar projects that help drive greener outcomes for all."

The company will host three separate solar arrays on Holcim's non-mineable aggregate sites. These sites, operating in conjunction with various other offsite arrays within the Holcim VDER agreement, are expected to generate more than 80GWh of green energy annually. Energy generated from these sites will effectively power seven aggregate and cement sites through renewable energy credits.

This latest renewable energy effort is only part of Holcim's work toward the transition to net zero. Holcim is a strategic clean energy hydrogen partner in the Northeast Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub program. The company has also expanded its renewable portfolio to include a 40 MW battery storage system and 78 MW of solar arrays in Ohio, Maryland and Arkansas. In late 2022, Holcim entered into its first virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). The company continues to put sustainability first, from offering low-carbon cement and concretes to incorporating electrification of company vehicles and trucks to innovative carbon capture research. Learn more here: https://www.holcim.us/sustainability.

About Holcim US
Holcim is a global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions. Driven by its purpose to build progress for people and the planet, its 60,000 employees are on a mission to decarbonize building, while improving living standards for all. The company empowers its customers across all regions to build better with less, with its broad range of low-carbon and circular solutions, from ECOPact to ECOPlanet. With its innovative systems, from Elevate's roofing to PRB's insulation, Holcim makes buildings more sustainable in use, driving energy efficiency and green retrofitting. With sustainability at the core of its strategy, Holcim is becoming a net-zero company with 1.5°C targets validated by SBTi.

In the United States, Holcim US, includes close to 350 sites in 43 states and employs 7,000 people. Our customers rely on us to help them design and build better communities with innovative solutions that deliver structural integrity and eco-efficiency. To learn more, visit holcim.us


Lynn Safranek
Holcim US

Jaylon Brinkley
Pierpont Communications

For more information

Holcim US


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