June 5, 2024
Global Renewable News

Geothermal Exploration: Swiss Geo Energy to launch its geophysical campaign

August 30, 2023

Swiss Geo Energy (SGE) announces the imminent launch of its geophysical campaign, which will take place between September 20 and October 9, 2023, in the area defined by its surface research permit of 104 km². This sector includes 32 municipalities in the Jura-Nord, Morges, and Gros-de-Vaud districts. This campaign is part of the GeoCogen Eclépens project and aims to explore the geothermal potential of the region to produce heat and electricity by 2030.

Campaign objective: Mapping the geological subsurface structures

This geophysical prospecting phase will allow the construction of a 3D geological model between the surface and approximately 4,000 meters deep. This model will also define the trajectory of the future exploration well, the execution of which will be subject to a subsurface research permit application. The Eclépens region was chosen because of its exceptional geological characteristics. Indeed, historical data analyses revealed temperatures of over 110°C at just 2,100 meters deep. The planned exploitation technology, called hydrothermal, will not require hydraulic stimulation.

A nighttime geophysical campaign with vibrating trucks

Four vibrating trucks operated by the Yverdon geophysics company Geo2X will travel the roads and some accessible and authorised municipal and forest accesses between September 20 and October 9, 2023. The campaign will occur at night between 8:00 pm and 6:00 am to minimise inconvenience for residents and traffic disruptions.

Safety guidelines and current regulations are a priority for our company so that the vibrating trucks will move under the supervision of a specialised team. Each truck will operate in a given area for 30 minutes. The route plan, scheduled 24 hours and 72 hours in advance, will be updated daily on the website www.swissgeoenergy.com.

A half-day "open day" on September 9. Meet us there!

To present the challenges of the GeoCogen Eclépens project and answer questions from the region's residents about the upcoming campaign, Swiss Geo Energy is organising an "open house" half-day on September 9 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the La Sarraz's "salle du Casino".

The GeoCogen Eclépens project: a significant contribution to the federal and cantonal energy and climate strategies

GeoCogen Eclépens is a visionary deep geothermal project supported by the Federal Office of Energy (OFEN). It aims to produce renewable heat and electricity by 2030 jointly. Swiss Geo Energy's activities fully align with the objectives of the federal energy strategy and those of the climate and innovation law adopted by the people on June 18, namely, to contribute to the development of renewable energies and achieve carbon neutrality.

The geophysical campaign will cover the following 32 municipalities:

Agiez, Arnex-sur-Orbe, Assens, Bavois, Bettens, Bofflens, Bournens, Boussens, Chavornay, Chevilly, Cossonay, Croy, Daillens, Dizy, Eclépens, Ferreyres, Goumoens, La Chaux (Cossonay), La Sarraz, Lussery-Villars, Moiry, Orbe, Orny, Oulens-sous-Echallens, Penthalaz, Penthaz, Penthéréaz, Pompaples, Saint-Barthélemy (VD), Sullens, Villars-le-Terroir, et Vuarrens.

About Swiss Geo Energy:

Swiss Geo Energy SA is a company specialised in the exploration, storage, and valorisation of renewable underground resources in Switzerland and Europe. Swiss Geo Energy is a subsidiary of Ad Terra Energy, a Swiss consulting company specialising in geosciences and engineering.

Press contact:
Geoffroy Cazenave
Communication Officer
+41 26 558 48 98

For more information

Swiss Geo Energy


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