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  • Writer's pictureKaitlin Bruskin

VIBE is pleased to announce our partnership with Ecologi to plant a tree for every book sold!

Updated: Jan 28, 2022

In January 2022, VIBE became partners with Ecologi ( to plant a tree for every "Earths Climate Heroes" book sold. So far we've planted nearly 300 trees, and hope to plant many more by Earth Day 2022. Benefits of partnering with Ecologi include - reducing carbon pollution, participating in solution for climate change, helping build a climate positive workforce, and taking positive action now - just like we encourage in the "Earths Climate Heroes" book!

Ecologi's philosophy and commitment to action is similar to VIBE's. Ecologi was founded because our collective home is in the process of being turned upside down leading to strife for almost all life on Earth. But we know it’s preventable and it’s not going to save itself. So, it is up to all of us now to get to work solving it. But what levers can we pull? Reducing our carbon footprint is necessary, however that transition is far slower than the time we have remaining rendering that tool for fighting climate change somewhat inadequate. What if that changed with billions of us who care becoming more empowered? There are enough climate solutions out there right now, that if we supported them it would undo 30 years of carbon damage by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2. Ecologi has a range of amazing tree planting partners who responsibly plant millions of trees a month on our community’s behalf. This is the opportunity which VIBE and its supporters like you are proud to participate in!

Photo credit: Eden Reforestation Projects, Ecologi

So far using the power of collective action, Ecologi has planted 32 million trees - you can see & help this progress at They also help fund reforestation and carbon offset projects around the globe. So far their impact is equivalent to planting a Central Park's worth of trees every day! And their next goal is avoiding the equivalent of 25m road miles a day - let's help them get there by purchasing more "Earth's Climate Heroes" books! Please get your copy and gifts for others today at

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