June 5, 2024
Global Renewable News

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $1M in Technical Assistance Vouchers to Advance Energy Storage

April 26, 2024

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE) announces a new $1M storage technical assistance voucher program today (April 25). Technical assistance vouchers are intended to spur innovations in Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) technologies among technology developers, small businesses, research institutions, and communities. This program aims to enable greater deployments of LDES projects nationwide and help achieve the Biden-Harris Administration's clean energy goals.

The two voucher opportunities worth $1M total will offer OE-funded technical assistance to technology developers of Long Duration Energy Storage and to communities or other entities interested in deploying storage for the first time.

Each of the two opportunities will offer vouchers worth $500k, comprising 3-7 vouchers of $50k-$150k each. Opportunities are available to both technical assistance providers and recipients. DOE will select up to 14 awardees (each awardee consists of a technical assistance provider/recipient pair). 

"These technical assistance vouchers provide technology innovators with the means to shape the future of their own communities while advancing long duration energy storage," said Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary for Electricity. "Our ultimate goal is to bolster reliability by making clean energy options accessible to neighborhoods across America."

Interested technical assistance providers may apply for this funding at Energywerx. Provider applications are due June 6, 2024, by 3 p.m., Eastern. DOE expects to announce the selected providers in mid-summer, when the application for technical assistance recipients will open. DOE will hold an informational webinar and objective strategic session on May 15, 2024 from 3-4 p.m., Eastern, for potential providers to ask questions of DOE staff. DOE will hold office hours on May 30, 2024 from 3-4 p.m., Eastern, to answer additional questions

Learn more about Voucher 7 and Voucher 8.

Learn more about OE.

For more information

U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington District of Columbia
États-Unis 20585

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