Whole Planet Foundation: Brands That Fund Microcredit

Oct 11, 2023 12:55 PM ET
Campaign: Whole Planet

Whole Planet Foundation is proud to showcase top donating brands that support microentrepreneurs in our global communities through Whole Planet Foundation. Their collective contribution of $400,000 this year will help funding business capital for the world’s most vulnerable entrepreneurs. Microloans enable entrepreneurs to start or develop small, often home-based businesses in hopes that the profits will help support their families and make their communities more resilient. 2023 top donating brands include Primal Kitchen and KeVita donating $100,000 each this year.  Brands contributing $50,000 this year include Health-AdeSeventh GenerationTopo Chico and Traditional Medicinals

Suppliers have been supporting Whole Planet Foundation since 2007, donating $17 million to alleviate poverty for microentrepreneurs around the globe. "Long-time supporters Primal Kitchen, KeVita, Health-Ade, Seventh Generation, Topo Chico and Traditional Medicals are critical to Whole Planet Foundation's mission, and we couldn't do our work without them.  Many of the leadership of these brands have met microcredit clients on impact visits around the globe, gaining a deep understanding of the impact of their generosity.  We are so grateful for their commitment that has helped Whole Planet Foundation fund 7 million microcredit loans with a 98% repayment rate!  Microentrepreneurs prove time and again that access to opportunity is what they need to generate income for themselves and their families", says Joy Stoddard, the Foundation's development and outreach director.

With deep missions of their own, these like-minded companies understand the power of providing a hand up and have committed to our highest giving levels. We truly appreciate their contributions to further our cause, which include funds, time, and in-kind donations. This month we invite you to join us all in celebrating their generosity and our annual impact on Wednesday, October 25 via our Party With A Purpose Annual Benefit and Auction. This event will take place both online and in-person in Austin, Texas.  If you are local to Austin, please join us from 4-7pm on the Whole Foods Market Lamar rooftop for a gathering of 500 like-minded supporters as we celebrate our impact with delicious food and beverage, music, a cultural performance, onsite auctions and more.  Not in Austin?  Join us online from October 25- 29 to bid on auction items in support of our mission. Beyond this celebration, we invite you to stay connected via our e-newsletterInstagram, and Facebook page. For more information on the work we do, and how we do it, visit wholeplanetfoundation.org